Monday, September 27, 2010

Thru Day 13

Southern California has been much more accomodating for my diet than Sedona was, and I've been weighing my meals at restaurants despite the funny looks, has made it easier now to know roughly how much brown rice is 120g or how much chicken is my protien allotment for lunch, so while I am not weighing things all the time (I wasn't going to pull out the scale when we were out with the girlfriends family for dinner...they already think I am odd enough as it is), I am definitely getting the portions more or less correct. 

Workouts are going fine, I think I need to get a "heavier" resistance cord because for some of the exercises I find my current one a bit light while for others it is fine.  When it feels to easy after the reps we are supposed to do, I add more until I feel my muscle wearing out.  

Jumping rope is SO much easier when you aren't using an actually rope, I bought the kind Patrick recommended and I'm doing the 700 jumps now in the time I was doing 400 with the old rope, but I notice my ankles getting sore near the end, so hope that isn't going to be a problem as we go forward.   The lunges and squats are my least favorite, I just find on the last set I start to wobble like a drunkard in some old Irish film, my thighs burn, and I find it hard to get back up, I am hoping it is my muscles and not some inner ear issue. 

Still find the eating on the road a bit more stressful than I would like, in part because it is probably annoying the people I go out with, they are all having to cater a bit to my needs, and while they are supportive, I think at times, they would like to eat at Chipotle (frankly so would I)...will be easier when I am back in Japan, though I wonder how breakfast is going to workout since I already get up at 5:30 to get to work on time, now I need to be up at 5?   Yikes.


  1. Yeah man I am waking up at 5AM now. brutal and the sun is not up then...I keep turning people down for dinners out. Not easy so i feel you on that.

  2. I love that you are weighing your restaurant meals - that's commitment! I also hate the lunges... squats not so bad. I feel like I'm going to dislocate my hip every time I come out of a lunge... Good luck!

  3. Yeah, I think lunges were my least favorite thing...until the plank...oooooh baby....the plank.

    You get used to the amounts fast so you don't have to tote your scale everywhere, and eventually you'll get to AMAYW veggies, which is awesome.

    Just have your wife prepare your breakfast the night before and bring it to work and eat at your desk...isn't that what everyone does?

  4. Jason. yep that is what my wife is doing for me and it works pretty well. unfortunately I have to wash all the dishes at night.

  5. Or, if you don't have a wife who's willing to prepare your breakfast, it's pretty easy to make some grain on the weekend in a large portion (I cook a cup of steel cut oatmeal and it lasts me all week), and reheat or eat cold. Same with a big pot of hard-boiled eggs. I always have carrots for breakfast veg, and those keep well peeled, cut into sticks, and refrigerated in water. Most mornings, it takes me about one minute to weigh the oatmeal and carrots, pour the milk, and peel the egg. Good luck in finding a breakfast that works for you.
