Wednesday, December 1, 2010


As per my plan I opted to go for the indulgence when the mood hit me, which was last night...after a long day at the office, I just couldn't be bothered to go home and cook a meal, so I hit the burrito place I used to go to twice a week before this all started, and then to really throw a load of crap into my system I grabbed some fries from McDonald's.  Now I didn't go completely nuts since I had the fries unsalted and didn't use any ketchup, I also opted out of rice and sour cream in the burrito and asked them to go light on the cheese.   In the end, I will admit that the food was a bit of a let down, it tasted fine, I can't even say that it tasted how I remember it, cause it didn't, it just tasted ok, I didn't sit there eating it and thinking, "wow, THIS is what I have been missing!"  In fact the smell of the fries was far more alluring than actually eating them.  What was however NOT a letdown...the convenience, and not having to cook a meal for once.   Being able to just come home, sit down and relax and have a meal ready for me was the real indulgence in all of this.   I swear if I am ever filthy rich, I am going to have a personal chef before I get any other unnecessary toys...outside of a fur-lined sink of course.  

Workouts are tough, and I am still really annoyed at the lack of definition in the abs, I am working on getting the new 4 egg per day allotment in, which is a real killer for me, but I am trying.   I actually am very happy to drink the eggs raw with a little milk when that option is available, far better than boiled in my opinion.    I can see the muscles in my shoulders, back, arms, even legs are getting defined, but the abs, I have like a semi two pack up at the top, but the middle two are barely noticeable, and the lower two seem to be hidden still under a layer of visceral fat that just won't go away.   According to the overpriced scale I still haven't learned to use properly, my body fat is about 16.5%-17% depending on the day, down from the 21% or so when I started, but nowhere near the sub 15% that was my goal.   I am starting to put back on a little weight, which I assume is muscle mass, after bottoming around 69.7KG about 2 weeks ago, I am close to 71KG now.   Would just like to see those abs a bit more and not sure what I can do but stay the course for now, am sore pretty much regularly around the midriff and have been trying to do all exercises to failure or the max reps/sets of each.    I know this is being a bit picky and the Day 1 vs Day 72 photos show the obvious progress I have made in less than 3 months and that's awesome, but I still want just a bit more before this is all over.   With 12 days to go, want to push hard over the finish line and bounce some quarters off my six pack when it's done.


  1. That final lean-out takes a bit of , but you'll get there. I'll help you out once you hit Day 90!

  2. does someone actually have a fur lined sink?
