Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 22 - Where's my dinner & general suckage

So we got our new diets in the morning, unfortunately by the time I recieved mine I had already eaten breakfast.  Dinner cut to ZERO carbs...when I made the alloted proportions, some grilled chicken and veggies, it looked awfully pathetic on the plate.   However I found it to be enough food to quell my appetite, and after a piece of fruit before bed I was satiated until the morning.  It's amazing to see how little we need to eat so long as we are eating correctly.   

I thought that I was losing too much weight, but yesterday I hit the scale and weighed in at 73.05KG, which is roughly where I was a week ago (161.5lbs) when I last weighed myself in the US, so I guess it is just the shape of my body changing, and despite my pants being a bit looser, I am not losing any weight, which is what I want. 
Workout on day 22 was tough, a big magnifying glass on the areas where I basically suck.   Pull ups, 4 sets of 5-7 doesn't sound that tough but you'd be wrong to think that, I got thru a 2 sets of 6 with some grace and then it all fell apart.  On the 3rd set I was flailing my legs about, inching my right arm then my left up as I made a lame attempt to get my chin anywhere that could be considered in the general area of the pull up the 4 rep, it wasn't happening, so I moved to incline pull ups for 2 sets of 5 to finish off the exercise.  Davinci...yikes, my shoulders must be about as strong as a 6 year old girls' or maybe it was just the day, but I could not get thru the final set to save my life, meek little 12 inch moves with my elbows bent was all I could muster on the final 5 reps, and even then I was done at 10 not 12.    I went for the biking on hills again as my foot is still bothering me from jumping rope but I think I overdid it, about an hour after the workout I felt my knee wobble and a bit of a sharp pain in my lower left thigh.   I stretched it out in the PM and it is a bit better now, but not sure if I did any real damage, will see how day 23 workout goes.  Squats after the bike ride were tough, much more difficult than after jump rope, and while I made it thru the set, I was definitely not going at the perscribed "steady pace" on the last set and a half and by the end I nearly fell over rather than standing back up.  

I am hoping that yesterday was just a bad day in the gym....


  1. oh my god Jason, I wish I could give you some of my carbs. am about to write a post about how disgustingly bloated I feel...

  2. Ojjjj I'm in! I hear ya man!! But week one I thought we had too many carbs! Now I miss them at night!!! But its worth it! And Im in!

  3. Hey Jason.

    Judy told me about you doing this program. Much respect and stick with it.

