Monday, October 11, 2010

Pull ups make me their b*tch, foot pain, indulgence and other random thoughts....

Right, so the workouts have been going well except for, leg work, jump rope (see foot issues) and pull ups, oh devil pull ups, how I hate thee, let me count the ways.  I admit it ok, pull ups have made me their b*tch, it's just embarassing.  I used to actually be pretty good at pull ups when I was 18, not a shadow of my former self, pulls ups own me.  I am determined to get thru 4 sets, FULL sets by the time this is done.  So far my best has been 2 sets of 6, followed by a set of 5 followed by a set of 2, but not REALLY two, it was one-ish, followed by a little push off the floor to help me get my chin up to the bar.   I'd like to blame the pull up bars precarious position in my apartment which was definitely not meant to hold a pull up bar in the door way.  I'd like to tell you that I have to be very still for fear of the bar coming loose and falling on top of me in the middle of a set, but that'd be a lie, I just can't do it, I can not get my damn body pulled up, I'm on a mission now, I am going to turn the tables on push ups by the end of this thing, and when I do, I'll have a completely emotionless activity to "look" at and say, "who is whose b-tch now!?"...that'll be awesome. 

Steve and I worked out yesterday, we were burning thru the exercises (no pull ups obviously).  We finished the whole lot, jump rope included in about 30mins and I was wiped out.  My foot is really giving me problems, have tired to alternate some biking with jump rope to give it a little rest and it doesn't hurt while I am jumping, but afterwards it throbs, and today the pain is in my shin, ankle, and top of my foot.  It hurts less when I can elevate it, but sitting or standing it throbs, when I walk the pain is less.  I hope I am not doing any permanent damage to it.   I notice that I jump on the balls of me feet, keeping my toes pointed down when I am in the this right?  Does anyone out there jump flat footed, I tried to do it a couple times the other day and just kept messing up, wondering if changing my jumping style will help my foot.

Bought a scale, not sure I am using it correctly, but weighed myself last night, was 73.5kg, up 0.45kg  (wonder if that was the indulgence), 18.8% body fat, and 24.2 BMI, it gave me some other details, pretty sure one was muscle and one was viseral fat, but all in Japanese, so gotta sort out how to read that.  What I could read was where I fall in my age range was in the high end on avg, so got some work to do.  Body age is apparently 31 however.  I can't tell if my body is changing to be honest, somedays I think it is, other days it looks about the same...I did notice a bit more pronounced bump on the left hand side of my rib cage, so maybe I am getting lean, and seems like my back is a bit more fit, the gut however is a work in progress....

Indulgence:  there was a lot of thought that went into this...go out to eat?  Cook something I have been craving, booze?   Generally have no interest in sweet foods, so eliminated that as an option.  In the end I went with my homemade buffalo wing sauce (assuming tobasco and bottled chilli sauce are the not PCP approved, but otherwise nothing in it that is not PCP friendly), and fries made w/ canola oil and lightly pan fried until crisp.   Had blue cheese with low fat yogurt did on the side.  Not sure I really indulge with crappy food but I definitely ate a lot, it was so good, and afterwards for the first time in a while I felt that, "ugh, I ate way too much" feeling.   I should have stopped at about 75% and that would have been more than enough, but knowing that it was a treat, and I wouldn't be having it anymore, like any good PCPer I pushed thru the pain and exhuastion and finished that meal dammit!  No one is going to call me a quiter.

Nearly 1/3 of the way thru, and it has gone by relatively quick, think the blogs and support of everyone is really helpful, that we are all sticking to it and pushing each other really makes it a lot easier...keep it up people. 


  1. Ah, a fellow Wing man. I salute you.

    Sorry to hear your foot is hurting, might want to lay off the jump rope and do more biking. Ive started running on the spot and skipping at the same time, its pretty low impact.

    Im pretty impressed you can even crack pull-ups out! Im still on the assisted ones. Dammit.

  2. @Jasper - running in place and skipping at the same time? We might need a video of that for inspiration!

    Sorry about your foot, Jason, and I agree with Jasper - give it a bit of a rest and let it get better...

  3. Dude you need to realize that you are light years ahead of most of us in the pull-ups department. They are very hard. Don't get too down on yourself, just keep at it.
