Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hitting a wall...

Day 35 passed just over 7 hours ago, I am more than 1/3 of the way there, the half way point is in site and I am SICK OF IT!  I know this is a bump in the road and have no real intention of giving up or straying from the course, but I am really having a hard time recently.  Not with the workouts, though they leave me exhausted, I still like the relatively short time they take and I do enjoy the sense of completion after each session.  I've been alternating jumping and biking to give my leg and foot a chance to recover, which has gone nicely and now when I jump rope it doesn't hurt too much afterwards.  Still find my muscles failing in the final set of almost every exercise, but I don't mind the burn, and when it doesn't come it is actually a bit of a disappointment, a sign perhaps that I am getting stronger, or perhaps doing the exercise incorrectly. 

The food however is a completely different story, not the type of food although I am getting sick of the dinner shake (haven't seen this upcoming weeks menu...please, please, PLEASE tell me that the shake is going the way of the dinosaur), but the prep time for the meals is beginning to weigh on me, I found myself throwing a tomato, milk, and an egg in the blender yesterday morning because I was running late for work, I briefly debated throwing some oats in there as well and downing the thing in one fell swoop.  Lets put it this way, I doubt the oats could have made it taste any worse.   Eating is no longer enjoyable, it is a chore, I find breakfast the hardest workout on the program, my stomach is saying, "it's 5:30am, you've been up for 20mins, seriously, I am not ready for this amount of food".  Some mornings I am close to breaking into a sweat trying to finish the last few bites of my AM meals.   No way am I close to getting the requisite 8 hours of sleep a night, I spend almost 75% of my non-work hours prepping, eating, and sleeping.  Would say I have maybe 1-1.5hrs a day now to do what I want to do, and it is taking it's toll.   

Hope this is merely a phase and perhaps others are feeling the same way but it was a tough last few days when all I wanted was take out on the way home and to sit on the sofa for a few hours and veg out...

What used to be "just 55 days to go!!" has become "55 five more f-cking days of this sh-t!". 

Got to refocus mentally here and get back to a positive frame of mind...hope the next blog sports a different tone. 


  1. Heh heh. Way to blog it out. Try to focus on the stuff you're gaining, not just the pain in the ass parts.

  2. Jason, I'm feeling the same way. I don't have a shake for supper mind you, but I have so much food that I feel like by the time I finish one snack or meal I basically have to prepare and sit down for the next. I know, 55 days to go, and OF COURSE you can do this. You can kill this. Like Patrick says, shift your focus. Think about how rock hard your abs are going to be.

  3. Hey man, hear you on the monotony front. For breakfast what might help is if you pack it the night before and take it into work. Eating at your desk at your own pace in the morning is a great way to get the food down. Hang in there dude, its flown by when you think about it.

  4. As you know from our off-line chats, I have been feeling much the same way. It is incredibly time consuming (and I've got someone prepping 99% of the food for me!) and monotonous.

    I think the mindset shift happens here:
    "Would say I have maybe 1-1.5hrs a day now to do what I want to do"

    ...you need to tell yourself that this *IS* what you want to do: get in shape, learn what it really means to get healthy, and set a foundation (not The Foundation) for making good choices for the rest of your big-nosed life.

  5. Bunch of PUSS*#&S.

    Tough it out!

    This is by far the best thing that you (we) have collectively done in years.

    You know you can do it, and you know that this is just a bump in the road as you mention.

    Make it happen baby. And Just think, its no where NEAR as bad as your Fantasy Football teams.....

  6. Dude what are you taking about too much food!! I get one egg now!! I tell you something send what you dont want over here!! I'll eat it and we wont tell patrick! God you always were such a difficult whiney person to work with! Suck it up girly man that or get yourself a lovely wife like mine that helps me with the diet!! ha ha! Now there is an idea!! Golf saturday!! Im gonna jump rope the 18 holes!

  7. Love the honesty in this post. It reassures my decision not partake in this program, especially as a single male.

    FYI - I am having fun boozing, going out, and working out on my own schedule.

    Let me know if you decide to quit the program and I will be happy to take you out for some kebabs and asahi draft!
