Sunday, October 3, 2010

Days...actually not sure, it's a blur

First off, you don't want to be stuck in Terminal 7 at LAX at lunch time if you are looking for a PCP approved meal.  There isn't a single healthy option in that place, so I went with the best that I could find, and it was 1) pathetic and 2) definitely not what I am supposed to eat.  No wonder people in the US are so fat, it actually did not taste good at all and left me really pissed off until I righted the ship at dinner time.  It did however teach me a lesson, so in San Fran I hit whole foods and got a bunch of steammed veggies, some brown rice, and grilled chicken for the flight back to Tokyo.  With the exception of the LAX debacle I would say I did a pretty good job of sticking to the diet while traveling and eating all meals out. 

So I am back in Japan now, which meant I did three workouts in a span of 36hrs and ate 2 dinners in order to keep up with the schedule.   Workouts went all right, though my left foot is killing me after jumping rope these days, not sure what the problem is, I may try to rest it for a couple days and do one of the other exercises that Patrick suggested...

I put on a suit for work this morning and noticed that I am swimming in the pants, I must have lost an inch or more from my waist line.  I actually don't want to lose to much weight but assume that the muscle will come to replace the fat I am losing.   I definitely see a bit of a change in my body which is good, and now that I am back and have a kitchen should be easier and less stressful to maintain the diet.  

Last night I made some chicken with garlic, paprika, pepper, and cayenne pepper, put in over a bed of brown rice and topped in with my veggie allotment in the form of homemade salsa and guacamole, no salt, all fresh, and it was good...had the same for lunch today.  

Had to get up at 5am this morning (jet lag helped) to eat breakfast and still get to work on time, not sure how I am going to feel about that once the jet lag goes especially since it is pitch black when I get up now, and starting to cool off.  

Workout today is half done, did the strength part at the gym and will jump rope tonight at home.   Already feeling stressed out back in the office for half a day...this is just not a healthy industry.

Gonna have a dinner with my fellow PCPers at some point soon, and need to get down to Yokohama to work out with the guru.  

Off to get my afternoon snack...


  1. Surprised LA of all places was not more PCP friendly, though it was the airport....

    Garlic, ginger and cayenne pepper were my 3 amigos....

    I'm in for PCP dinner and return to the mother ship for a workout w/ Obi wan...

  2. Last time I was at LAX I had a 2 hour layover and left the airport to go to In N Out for a double double. I don't think that's on the menu anymore.

    Welcome back to Tokyo. I'm all in favor of dinner. Happy to host/cook over at mine if people don't mind eating off the coffee table.
