Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 15

Today has been a bit of a grind, I just felt like every meal was more than I wanted to eat, I choked it all down but have been feeling overfull since breakfast.   A bit of a change from the other days when I was hungry when it was time to eat.   There really is a big difference, at least to me, in the way you get your carbs and veggies.  For breakfast I had spinach, peppers, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, and fresh basil.  The spinach felt so heavy, on other days I have had avocado, peppers, onions, mushrooms, cilantro and a bit of lime juice, and it went down a lot easier.  Same with carbs, brown rice a lot more filling than white rice even in the same volumes.  

Passed by a middle eastern joint today and wondered, is hummus on the menu?  Vegetable?

The workout today went ok, I really don't like the leg exercises, I always feel it in the last set.   The upper body stuff is ok, I make sure to do each exercise until I feel the burn, thought I was doing the back exercises, rowing in particular, wrong but saw Patrick's mail that the back won't make the burn, so I guess am doing those ok.  Weight has been the same over the last couple days 162.5lbs.    I find myself looking in the mirror and trying to discern if there is any visible change yet to my body, sometimes I think I looks a bit more fit, but other days when I am leaning over to put on my socks, and notice the big ball of pudge around the midriff I wonder.   Got thru today though, and it feels good.   These small accomplishments like mastering time, space, and dimension and getting thru the workouts are great boosts to my confidence that I can make it the 90 days.

I am slowly getting better at the rope, today I did the 800 jumps in 300, 200, 150, 75, 75...I was winded by the end, taking just 15 sec breaks between sets.   Remember Patrick saying that we shouldn't be too winded skipping rope, so I tried to keep a steady pace today, but found myself speeding up at times, trying to rip them out.   Tops of my feet are killing me now, but my ankles are feeling better than the last couple days, still I need to find a place to jump rope that isn't a cement parking lot.


  1. I hear you on the weight thing. I guess we are putting on muscle and its a good thing if our weight doesnt change as its lean.

    Try alternating feet jumping rope. Its really helped me jump for longer periods.

  2. did you eliminate the double skip yet???

  3. What has helped me jumping is when i point my thumbs out and make the rope a bit tighter. Then you get in a zone and can whip them out fast as you want. Faster you skip the lower you have to jump which probably means less stress on your ankles and feet

  4. Yeah, I agree with Tim on skipping faster! I have also found jumping infront of a mirror helps my coordination.
