Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 7 exercise done

Whoooo, finished day 7, 500 jumps of the old rope.  It wasn't as bad as I expected, couple of periods where I had 70-80 jumps in a row before I tripped up, in the beginning if I got 10-15 in a row I was happy.   Finishing the last 50 or so was tough my coordination seemed to just give out on me or maybe it was my shoes, definitely could have been the shoes, or possibly the angle at which the sunlight was coming into the gym.  I am pretty sure that affected me on the last 50 jumps, it must have been about a 38' angle and frankly I don't know how anyone can be asked to exercise in anything between 35'-40', it's just nonsense.  But I pushed thru despite the selfishness of the Sun, and got done with 500.  I know I will regret saying this next sentence, but I actually felt like I should do some more exercises after jumping rope.  I didn't though, figuring that one should not mess with the Zen Masters Plan, and I am sure there is a reason we only had to jump rope today.

I woke up this morning and for the first time since we started this, I did not feel hungry, so I just went with it and had a very light breakfast of about half a cup of granola with some low fat yogurt and a bit of fresh fruit, had a cup of coffee, low fat milk and half a pack of brown sugar (I know, it is pointless to even put that in there cause you can't taste it, I'm cutting it out from tomorrow), also had half a glass of OJ.   It's about 12:30 now and I don't feel hungry at all, so until I do, I'm not going to eat.

Off to play golf in about 45mins, weather in Sedona is great, a dry heat, about 80'.  After finishing golf I am going to look for some out of shape 8 year olds and challenge them to a game of hoops, pretty sure I can take them.

Going to weight myself later tonight, but based on a mathematical formula derived by the ancient Persians and perfected by a robot held captive against his will in a Russian Gulag between 1971-1975, I would guess that I'm down about 1.5-2kg.   Not sure how this works but ideally I don't want to lose too much weight, I am not a big guy by nature, I want to replace the fat with muscle if possible.  

83 days to go and feeling all right at the moment....

1 comment:

  1. Nice work mate! you will be tanned and toned baby!

    I felt the same way about wanting to do more exercise. Im so used to trying to sweat my balls off, it just does not feel right!
