Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 2 & 3

Right so typing this out on the iPhone gonna keep it short. Am now in California have finished day three workout and feel all right though a bit hungry. My calves are killing me from the jump rope, not sure if I need to stretch put more before or after or maybe they are just out of shape. Rest of the body is fine no real
soreness to speak of. Since day one I have eaten half a cup
of granola w/ low fat milk, had a coffee but halved the sugar I usually put in. Had a bit of grilled chicken and half a small bowl of soba for
lunch on day two then had half a burger and half fries at narita. On the plane I ate a small garden salad about 8 grapes and a piece of cheese. Then since getting to California I've ha a greek salad with half a piece of pita no feta and half the yogurt dressing for lunch and just finished dinner of roasted chicken a couple spoonfuls of mac and cheese (so
tasty) and a bowl of salad. I didn't realize that socal is basically all fast food joints took me forever to find a place to get lunch. Bit jet lagged and out of sorts so getting to bed now.

Rock on fellow pcpers.


  1. I was so worried about my calves hurting (I took one circuit skipping class years ago and thought my calves were going to separate from the rest of my legs). This time I am stretching them really well after (and a few times later in the day) and focusing on jumping less on my tippy-toes and more on my whole foot. Also I'm trying not to jump too high. I think it's working, because my calves are the only part of my body that are NOT sore.

    Maybe that would help. Good luck!

  2. Thanks very much for that, I guess I never realized how much I didn't exercise my leg muscles. They are a bit better now, have tried stretching more.
