Monday, October 25, 2010

bad, then good, then worse, and interesting....

I am not much in the mood to blog at the moment, but it has been a few days and I need to get this out there or I am never going to do it.  Am dragging a bit recently, work is a drain, the program is still a drain on the food prep front, life in general is a drain at the moment, still I feel the need to push thru knowing this is all temporary and the ebbs and flows of life probably mean things could suck a lot worse so I should be happy they are only marginally craptastic at the moment. 

Bad:  Woke up yesterday morning at 5am absolutely in pain, migraine and feeling a full blown flu coming on so decided to listen to my body, get some much needed rest and stayed home from work.  By about 10am the migraine had passed and I was feeling a bit better.  After eating my PCP breakfast I managed to summon up the energy to try and work out...

Good:  The workout flew by, I don't know what the hell happened, but I banged out the entire 1450 jumps in one set.  I just seemed to get into a rhythm and it carried me thru the entire workout.  Was beat at the end, but my body felt good, as if I had a fever and it broke, I was energized

Worse:  I don't know what happened, after the workout I went to the super market to get food for dinner and today's lunch, walking back home I felt something twinge in my lower back and having been the recipient of several back spasms in my life I knew that wasn't a good sign.  Sure enough, my back started to act up and by the evening I was struggling to find a position where it didn't hurt.   I did find that stretching my abs helped alleviate some of the pain, perhaps I didn't stretch well enough after the workout and that is what caused the problem.  Regardless, today was just a jump rope day so I opted for a 25min session on the bike on hilly terrain and then some good stretching afterwards, back feels a bit better today, but not sure how it'll be when we have strength work tomorrow...

Interesting:  I needed something to get me back into focus, to reaffirm why I am doing this...I thought about breaking up with my girlfriend just so that I could be incentivize to look good for all the single ladies out there, but that seemed a bit extreme.   Instead I rented Food, Inc.  For those that haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and wait for an indulgence day, get yourself a nice juicy burger and watch this film!   It is pretty shocking the type of crap that goes into our foods, but more egregious is the way farmers and workers and frankly we, the consumer, are treated by a small number of mega corporations who apparently you can't even criticize in public when they try to put disease ridden crap into your bodies.    Here's the plan, somebody a lot smarter than me needs to find a vaccine for all cancers in the world, you sell it at a variable price depending on a person's income so that you get rich while curing cancer but not by gouging the little people in the process and then you take that money and bury these huge food conglomerates...

Business idea II...." The PCP Cafe' "...I think we should open one up  


  1. Im all for a PCP Cafe. I think it would take off somewhere like New York or London, im sure LA something like that exists in L.A.

    Food Inc is harrowing. I'll never think about the farming industry the same again! Ever since then (and even before come to think about it) we've tried to be very careful about the progeny of our food.

    Hang in there dude, ive got crazy shin splints today from jump rope. I found that stretching the hamstrings helps the lower back massively.

  2. PCP Cafe, good idea. You'll either have to call it something else, or give Patrick a slice of the fat profits. Maybe pitch it to him slowly, and by the time you get to "slice of fat" he'll have said no anyway, and, voila, cha-CHING for you buddy!

    And then you run it like the Soup Nazi, someone fat comes in, LESS CARBS FOR YOU! Someone sorely lacking muscle, EGG WHITES FOR YOU!

  3. Dude - back pain sucks - def been there. Implement the PCP cafe and we can use it as our post PCP Frijoles.

  4. If you guys can provide capital I'll do a PCP cafe, I've got the whole thing figured out on the back of a napkin somewhere. PCP cookbook is coming soon too!

  5. Take it easy on your back. Warm bath, slow stretches and Tylenol on a time-contingent rather than pain-contingent basis. At least for a couple of days.

    Also, I don't think breaking up with anybody is good idea at this point! Pretty funny though!

  6. I love the PCP Cafe! I will wash dishes.

    Sucks on the back. Not an easy thing to deal with Dont let it the the excuse though!
