Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 43 - Bad workout

I am not sure if it was the time of day, or the fact that my back is giving me trouble, perhaps it was the fact that I had a client lunch (my first meal out in at least 5 weeks) and Nobu did a good, but not great job of preparing my PCP meal.  Sidenote: is Miso soup allowed?  I didn't drink it, but was wondering.   Whatever the reason I had a horrible workout on Day 43.  Everything was a challenge.  I started on the bike because my back was acting up on the jumprope, the leg exercises in reverse, the floor jumps followed by the lunges, did me in.  I couldn't manage to get thru the full 4 sets on any of the other exercises, my muscle were burning, my form was poor, it just wasn't happening.  And the whole process felt like it took a couple hours when in actuality it was probably about 45mins.   Chalk it up to a bad day, my first one really when it has come to the workouts.  Are my muscles getting to the point where they are constantly worn down or are the reps and sets getting upped to a point where it is more challenging to complete them all?   I tried looking in the mirror at the spot I was working as per Patrick's advice and it did help a bit, maybe that was the difference, for the first time I was really "targeting" the muscle group in earnest and they wore down faster?   I am not sure the reason, but it was no fun working out and I was very glad when it was over. 

I am down now to 71.5kg, which is lower than I personally wanted to go, hoping to put back on a couple KGs of muscle by the end of this.  I thought I was getting to light until a friend of mine who is about 1in taller said he was just 68kg, still I am looking for a big bigger muscle mass in the end.  

Food is going ok recently, have been trying some new meals, and I have just given up on caring that dinner is less about taste and enjoyment than just getting the nutrients in my body at this point.  Am happy to have carbs cut a bit in the AM as I still find myself not terribly hunger when I wake up.

Forgot to update my weekly photo yesterday but will take some in the next couple days, personally I still see the visceral fat hanging around, can feel the abs forming underneath but they aren't visible to the naked eye.   Maybe it's closer to day 50 that it starts coming off, huh Patrick?


  1. When you start targeting the specific muscles you will get to that failure point a lot faster. That's what you want to do.

  2. You'll just have days like this, it's part of the cycle. The important thing is that you powered through anyway. Consistent dedication even when you don't feel like a workout is the key.

    The visceral is coming off. You're just checking so often that you're not able to notice it. Here the weekly photos will be very helpful.

  3. ebbs and flows Jason, ebbs and flows.

  4. Dont think Patrick was kidding about this valley. It really feels like it, the monotony has started to kick in. Im pumped we are at the halfway point now though, at least we can see the end in the (very) distant.

  5. nice that you pushed through the work out. mortal men would have given up and grabbed the remote, the phone and a pizza hut menu.....

    BEEN THERE! nice work
