Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 29 workout...stupid gym people!

Patrick said that we are kicking it up a notch and he wasn't kidding.   Day 29 brought a whole new level to the once tough but enjoyable workout routine.  My legs and abs were on fire by the time I got thru the exercises, that last few floor jumps and the final 30sec of the plank wore me out and I was barely able to finish. 

I went back to jumping rope and tried to mix it up with some double jumps, one foot hops, crossing the arms and general awesome-ness, but was quickly brought to the realization that I am not some 12 year old out playing double dutch on the sidewalk and went back to normal jump rope.   Foot was all right but still pretty sore after the jump rope and floor jumps and it didn't help that some idiot at the gym stepped right on top of it as they were coming out of the locker room not watching where they were going.  Shot a pain all the way up my leg that took a couple hours to disperse. 

And speaking of morons at the gym, what's with the meathead hogging the pull up bar and taking 2 minutes between sets as he walks around and eyeballs himself in the mirror?   I had to go with the rowing first, and then hover around the pull up bar while this jockstrap did his final set of ONE.   He hadn't even made it to his next exercise (cause he had to pose down in the mirror a couple times) and I was on set two of my pull ups, which still get me by the 3rd set, I made it thru 6-6-5-3 and then hit the incline pull ups for 5 after which my body said no more.   Needless to say I was not a happy camper with the gym folk today.  

Posted new photos which I know are part of the project, but everytime I take them I sit there afterwards and try to disect my body, looking for any sign of a change.  I see it in the back getting a bit leaner, but I struggle to see much difference in the side or front angle.   Seems like my weight has flatlined and I've even gained 0.2kg  according to my fancy scale at home.  It also told me that my body fat is down from 18.8% to 18.1%, still not sure how to read the muscle mass and visercal fat levels though.  

On another note, if anyone is trying the yogurt marinate I posted...add some cumin and tumeric to it and its better, gives it sort of an Indian tandoor flavor if you grill it.  

Day 30 awaits...1/3 of the way there! 


  1. find the guy and stomp on his foot.....maybe wait another month until you are RIPPED!

    Rip off your shirt like the hulkster and say BRING IT!

  2. Yeah have the same thing at the gym at the office some meathead using the benching machine that we use for our pull ups. Just do what I did. Go over and ell him you are doing peak condition project then you will see respect buddy!

    By the way slacking on your posts there pal! Get on it
