Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 57

I had a lunch the other day with a client, went ot Nobu where they do a good PCP approved meal, grilled chicken, grilled veg and brown rice, no salt, no sauce, all fresh.   My buddy got all fired up when I ordered telling me I have lost enough weight, come on already.   Really ticked me off, it was the first time I think that someone was actually UN-supportive, some have been indifferent, some joke, most try to understand and support, but this was a real attempt to get me to stray, seriously WTF, it's like a buddy trying to get you to do another shot after you say you've had enough, am I still in college?!   People really need to respect others attempts to better themselves even if they don't want to do anything similar.

Today was a headache at the gym, the area where I usually jump rope was taken with some sort of board meeting, and there isn't space elsewhere, so I went for the bike instead, the lack of space meant floor jumps were tough so I did what I could and added  a bit to the pistol squats.   The shoulder work continues to be an area where I struggle to get thru all the sets, I was flat out panting by the end, on the positive side my back is slowly recovering and I was able to get thru all the V-sits with not too much discomfort. 

Workouts really do seem to ebb and flow, some days I walk in and it flies by, I barely get winded, other days I can't catch my breath, feel like it takes forever, and have a lot of trouble getting all the reps done, but have learned that those are the days where you can really build some muscle, so I push through and generally feel a good sense of accomplishment once done. 

Got our new diets today, have ANOTHER egg in mine now, asked Patrick if I could sub some meat for one of the eggs, or have eggs at breakfast and 50g of protein later in the day.  He said that was fine which is good because I just don't love boiled eggs.  Have actually been bringing egg white seasoned and cooked in a pan to work and eating them cold as my snack.  It's tolerable, but that is about it.   I completely forgot to have my milk last night w/ my night time snack...on that subject, are other people doing yogurt and milk?  I tend to be drinking low fat milk wherever it says yogurt because I can not find low fat yogurt near my office.  Pretty sure that is ok, but wondering if I should really be having yogurt when that is the prescribed snack? 

My funky scale has me gaining weight this week, I am up to 71.7kg, but my body fat % was down to 17.1%, body age down to 29...I guess that is a good sign, though I am still waiting for those defined abs to come out, and there is definitely a bit more visceral fat that needs to come off, I can still "pinch and inch" around my midriff and especially in parts of my lower back as well as the sides of my mid back...will it ever go away?  I can feel the abs developing under the fat, just want to see the results of my hard work a bit more.  

Still, day 58 awaits, not even 5 weeks left!   Would never say it has been easy and know there is still time to go, but I feel good and am recommending all my friends to get involved...Patrick, what kind of kick back I get for the intros?


  1. body age at 29? Oh boy I can just imagine what you were like at 29.....

    good to hear the back is feeling better, in a week or so you will be doing the kung fu sit ups like an 18 year old!

  2. Part of the "pinch an inch" is just your skin. The sides of your body need extra skin to be able to twist and move through space. Your kickback for recommendations is the glow of knowing you have helped your fellow man!

    Milk is fine when your diet says yogurt.

  3. Unsupportive comments are bullshit. But the fact that you can continue the project is a good sign your mind is in the right place.
