Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hey abs!!...come out come out wherever you are, damn you!

All right, crunch time people, just finished today's 62, that means less than 4wks to go.  I am seeing the results all over, which is great...but I am waiting for that washboard stomach to come out, that six pack of abs, the kind you can slide a finger in between each muscular square.  I still have a bit of visceral fat I think, and I can feel the abs under it, I just can't see them as I would like.    

Shockingly I don't have much to say today, just that the workouts are hard to finish all sets and reps, though today I did 3 sets of 8 pull ups, a set of 7 and a set of 5 which is a personal best.  I busted my jumprope the other day and have been relegated to a crappy don quijote one which is too short and is really frustrating the hell out me, I keep tripping up, but still manage to get thru the rope and strength work in under an hour.   Need to find a better rope though.  

Diet going fine, though I am off to HK on biz from Wed-Sun including a wedding on Sat.  Not sure how well I am going to do with the diet, but will try my best. 

4 weeks to go, gotta find those abs...


  1. They come out so slowly you just wake up one day and realize they're there.
    And the finger in the squares thing is largely the work of a good "pump" and the correct lighting. You'll never get that effect "cold".
