Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day....actually I am not sure

I just finished today's workout...I think it was day 51, but actually I am not even sure, I have given up counting the days, I am just trucking along.   New diets are proving a bit tough for one specific reason, the egg at the AM snack.  I hate boiled eggs, and with no milk to chase it, I am not bringing a raw egg to the office and downing it.  So far I have done a pan fried egg white in the morning with just about every spice that is PCP approved and eat that along with the fruit in the morning.  It isn't what you would call "good" it is more in the "not so tasty" camp, but I can get it down.   Hmmm, I've read a few other blogs where people talk about their cravings gone, never coming back, totally reprogrammed, and while that sounds great, I don't expect to ever get there, I LOVE good food, all types, some probably very good for me, others maybe not.  Never been much of a sweets guy but I can't see giving up french fries, chicken wings, nachos, cheese when all is said and done.  I can however see balancing my habits a bit more, eating better carbs, having the veggie snack before bed.  The egg snack though...that's not gonna be a staple in my diet when this is over. 

Workouts are tough, speaking to a couple people, seems like very few are getting thru every rep and every set.  Tripling up now on trgt muscles, I am going for the least reps per set and trying to make it thru, but still really tough.  The resistance bands I have at home are different from the ones at the gym, gym ones have a lot more resistance and make it even more difficult to complete all the reps.   Jumping rope has become interesting, I find that it is harder at the beginning to get going, but by the time I am on the last set I am thinking, "wow, done already?"   Had a little set back yesterday, my lower back, this time the lower right hand side starting bugging last night.  Was about 6 hrs after I finished the workout, no really sure what caused it, was doing some chores around the house and just started acting up.  Is hurting a lot today, feels better when I stretch my hamstring, but kept me from jumping today...did bike work instead, and was very painful when trying to do the kung-fu sit-ups.  I think I may have pushed it a bit y'day with the leg lifts, remember feeling the strain a bit on the last set. 

Starting to see the result a bit now around the mid riff, but according to my high tech scale, which to be fair, I really do not know how to use properly, I am 71kg (up 0.25kg in about 1 week) with 17.8% body fat,  and a body age of 32.  Said something about my muscle mass and visceral fat too I think but I can't read the Kanji for that stuff.  Odd that my body age was 31 about 5 weeks ago when I got the scale.  Maybe my back issues are proof this is aging me?   Body fat was a bit disappointing, I started around 20-21% I think, would have thought that losing nearly 6.5% of my body weight so far would have meant a bigger decline in body fat.   Are these scales accurate anyway? 

So day 51 or 52 is done...30 some odd to go...piece of cake.  Hmmmmm, cake. 

Indulgence tomorrow...


  1. Oh, the hard cooked egg is almost the only way to go out of convenience, isn't it? What if you just douse it in pepper or vinegar? Thought it's probably a texture thing and flavoring it doesn't change that...

    I think it's weird that your scale is pressuring you to grow up. Can you turn off that feature until the end and then just do a big reveal?

  2. Scale numbers not very useful without the muscle mass %. If you can find that we can make more sense of what's going on.

  3. I hear you on the eggs...and forget about the cravings going....I'm aching for a burger not a chance though not yet! I agree on the jump rope its tough in the beginning and sometimes I think I cant get through them today then I loosen up and poof done! I really enjoy the rope and now that we are on time rather than reps I am trying tricks running crossing hands lots of fun! Keep it up J!
